Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Facing History and Ourselves Means to Me

This class means more to me than any class I have ever taken. It has been such a broadening experience, starting on the first day I walked in Mr. Gallagher’s class. I have learned so much about history, World War II in particular. However, I have learned so much more about myself and how my actions can change the world and make a difference. I have learned to relate the knowledge I have obtained in Mr. Gallagher’s classroom, to the school, the social scene, and really, any part of my life. This class has changed my life forever.
I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn the real facts of history, mainly World War II. I now understand the causes and effects of the Nazi reign. Before this class, I always thought that every single Nazi was a monster, and I wondered how it was possible for so many people to commit such horrifying acts. Many people today think that all Nazis were monsters. However, through this class I have learned that although they did monstrous things, they were not all monsters. At that point in Nazi Germany, joining the Nazis was the socially encouraged decision to make. Many Germans viewed Nazis with respect, order, and elegance. Although there is absolutely no excuse for their actions, many soldiers were just following orders, and were “brainwashed” by Hitler’s control. In addition, after watching multiple videos on World War II, I have realized the talent that Hitler had for public speaking. He made his speeches with so much emotion that this feeling was contagious throughout his audience, and in result, expanding the excitement for a Nazi Germany. Many of these Nazi soldiers were tricked by Hitler’s impressive speeches, and also caved to the temptation of “fitting in” with their surroundings. Based on all of the information presented in class, I even came to the conclusion that if I were a German boy in Nazi Germany, I probably would have joined the Nazis. Although I realize this is terrible for one to say, I believe it is true for not only me, but most teenage boys. Most teenagers are not completely comfortable with themselves, and many people do whatever they can to “fit in” with their surroundings. Joining the Nazis was a socially accepted decision at the time, and many of my friends would have probably joined, so in extension, I believe I would have joined. It was so interesting to see the other side of the story. Being in America, I have only been acquainted with our side of World War II. I have been taught that we saved the war, and all Nazis were terrible people. However, after this class, I have learned that not all Nazis were terrible people, and most of these monstrous acts were a result of the diluted mind of a select group of people.
Although I have learned so much about history, and have been educated on the true story of World War II, I have learned so much more about myself. This class has changed the way in which I conduct myself, and will impact me for the rest of my life. I am a better person because I took this class. Coming into this class, I wasn’t aware of how my actions impacted other people. I was never a bad person, or even had a mean bone in my body. However, I often would say anything to get a cheap laugh from my piers. I have always been a person who loves to make people laugh and loves to put on a show. Before this class, I would make comments that might harm somebody else, but would cover the disgrace I felt within myself by the laughs and encouragement I received from my piers. My comments were never made to simply harm somebody else. However, I cared more about a cheap laugh than I did about somebody else’s feelings. However, after this class I am completely changed. I now know the consequences of my words and actions, and now think before I speak. I now care more about the consequences of my words and actions, than I do about a cheap laugh. A cheap laugh will come and go, but damaging somebody’s feelings can last much longer.
This knowledge of the consequences of my actions applies to all areas of my life. First, it has impacted the school. Not only do I not bully people, but I am no longer a bystander. I used to stand by, and watch other people get picked on without doing anything. After taking this course, I am disgraced with myself. However, I have changed, and will no longer allow anybody to get bullied in front of me. Helping a victim out can drastically improve their life, and in some cases, can even save somebody’s life. In class one day, we watched a video on a kid who was bullied in school, and as a result, he took his own life. This kid was bullied in school and on the internet relentlessly, and nobody did anything about it. After he could take it no longer, he killed himself. I could not live with myself, knowing that I could have saved somebody’s life by simply standing up for him, but did not have the courage to do so. I will no longer be a bystander, and I think that this stance will spread to others in my life, when they see the way that I conduct myself in similar situations. Not everybody has the luxury of taking this course, so it is my responsibility to spread the knowledge I have obtained in this course to others, and make this world a better place. Second, this class has immediately impacted the social scene. Many people on the social scene make religious or racial slurs. Although many of these insults are not serious, I no longer view them as funny, and will no longer allow them to happen. I will now take a stand when I hear somebody call another person a “Jew” for not being generous with their money. This class has not only impacted my actions, but I believe that my actions, and the actions of other people who have taken this course, will in result impact the actions of others. We all must lead by example, and make this world a better place.
I cannot express how much I appreciate this course and my experience with Mr. Gallagher. Although he insists that it is the material that makes this course, and not him, I firmly believe that this experience would not have made as big of an impact on me if it wasn’t for Mr. Gallagher. I simply wish that I had him earlier in high school. This class has made such a big impact on me and my actions, and I know that this class has made me a much better person. I will always be in debt to Mr. Gallagher, and the course of Facing History and Ourselves.

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